Library Engine: Basic functions

Absolute value.
Absolute value squared.
Angle of a complex number.
Angle of a complex number.
Real part of a complex number.
Imaginary part of a complex number.
Square root.
Square of a number.
Random number or matrix (0-1).
Random number or matrix (0-1).
Round a number to the nearest >= integer.
Round a number to the nearest $ <= $ integer.
Round to nearest integer.
Inverse of sine (arcussine).
Inverse of cosine (arcuscosine).
Inverse of tangent (arcustangent).
Inverse of cotangent (arcuscotangent).
Sinus hyperbolicus.
Cosinus hyperbolicus.
Tangent hyperbolicus.
Cotangent hyperbolicus.
Inverse of sinus hyperbolicus.
Inverse of tangent hyperbolicus.
Inverse of cotangent hyperbolicus.
Inverse secant.
Inverse cosecant.
Natural logarithm.
Base 2 logarithm.
Base 10 logarithm.
Calculate arcus tangent defined on whole circle.
Calculate e^x.
Complex conjugate.
Sign of a number.
Greatest common divisor of two integers.
Normalize a matrix of numbers by their greatest common divisor.
Calculate the convolution of two arrays.